
All posts in Website Design Practices

Web Design: A Growth-Changing Skillset for Fledgling Entrepreneurs

Web Design is a blanket term for many skills, including the ability to conceptualize ideas, create plans of actions, understand core technology concepts, and the ability to work with graphical/interactive features to produce a Web experience unique for visitors.

When one begins scratching the itch of entrepreneurship in our modern times, an overwhelming amount of individuals will set their focus on the Web, as it provides unlimited access to business opportunities, resources, connections, and avenues to build and grow a successful venture.

At the core of it all should be a thorough understanding of web design concepts and best practices (even if one doesn’t decide to pursue the area as their main form of work).

Compare what is needed to start a new venture and you will see positive similarities (and the needed skillsets) that can be found through learning Web Design:

  • The future of commerce has already moved onto the Web and without an appropriate presence it becomes increasingly difficult to build a business/personal brand, move products, and connect with leaders in your market.
  • Learning the core concepts and best practices allow you to design the Website (and many other associated items from business cards to brochures) which creates synergy in the branding and this lends toward building trust and recognition.
  • Even basic skills are welcomed by employers if you have yet to make the complete leap to being your own boss; these skills can be refined while working for others and then mastered when you set out on your own.
  • The skillset will eventually change the way you think; you become analytical and tactic in the developmental process because it’s built on a strict foundation (code, design elements, etc).

From an entrepreneurial standpoint the benefits are overwhelming for those considering the leap into learning Web Design. Not only are will you understand the core concepts behind how websites operate but you will have the creative ability to build sites around business ideas. In business, as they say, it’s all about getting to the market in a rapid manner so by having Web Design skills you already have a foot forward in the race.

Read more: Web Design: A Growth-Changing Skillset for Fledgling Entrepreneurs 

How A Website’s Design Affects Conversion Rates

How A Website’s Design Affects Conversion Rates.

The idea of a website is to give information to its visitors. Each site will have an aim, like sharing knowledge or asking people to do something, such as buy a product. There are over a billion live websites on the Internet these days, and each has a unique layout and style.

You might not realize this but your Website’s design can affect conversion rates. This blog entry will give you an insight into the importance of having a good website design. The following information will also be of use to people that might not have many visitors interacting with their site.

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Why Website Optimization is Out and Website Marketability is in

Why website optimization is out and website marketability is in.

Read how Crain’s Detroit Business lays out Website Marketability, explains SEO, and defines the value of a website as being related to it’s structure, content, and evolution.

Of all articles in our blog, this is the most important to us as it explains how internet marketing works in 2015, noting that this precisely matches TotalWeb Partner’s value proposition.

“Building a site is not an end game, it is just the first step… and all of TWP’s standard offers include ongoing support, updating, and marketing to meet the requirements of marketing on-line in 2015.”

Defining Website Marketability

From Crain’s Detroit Business April 17, 2015

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4 Features Every Local Business Website Design Needs

4 Features Every Local Business Website Design Needs.

No business can afford to waste money on tools that don’t work. Local businesses must be particularly discerning when deciding where to distribute the yearly budget.

A useful litmus test for local business website design is whether the website will pay for itself over time. Good design is not decoration.

Your company website should look great and make a winning first impression for your business… but looking “great” can’t be the only goal.

A cost-efficient local business website serves rather like an “employee” for your company, that helps:

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The 5 Best Web Design Trends to Look Out For In 2015

The 5 Best Web Design Trends to Look Out For In 2015.

As the web becomes more and more advanced and complicated each year brings new techniques in the world of web design with things moving fast. While some ideas transform into standards and continue to become part of our digital spaces others fade away soon.

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How Old VHS Tapes Helped Save Early Web Design

How Old VHS Tapes Helped Save Early Web Design

Conventional wisdom has it that anything published online can never be truly erased. People petition governments for the “right to be forgotten”—to have personal information and images permanently removed from the Internet. But look for a screenshot or image from a page of the very early web, and you’ll find it almost impossible to locate. Prominent technologist Andy Baio, who runs the site, where he promotes tech ephemera and news, has discovered an unlikely portal to an era that has all but disappeared from today’s Internet, and quite nearly from the human record: VHS tapes. With these tapes, now viewable on YouTube, comes a critical look into a period that set the stage for the massive design and technological changes society has undergone over the past 20 years.

Watch the video…

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Top 5 Reasons to Use Responsive Website Design

Top 5 Reasons to Use Responsive Website Design. The introduction of smart devices and their ease of availability have shifted the use of the internet, from desktop PCs to hand-held smart devices. A research suggests that the year 2015 will witness internet usage on mobile devices to match the usage on desktops. This means that all businesses should ensure that their websites are compatible with these devices. Being compatible in this way means that the website automatically detects the device, while it is being viewed, and adapts to the screen size for easy viewing. This adaptability feature is known as Responsive Website Design.

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The Growing Importance of Mobile Web Design

The Growing Importance of Mobile Web Design.
Google algorithm alert! If your business doesn’t have a mobile website you’d better set one up quick. This is a quite a game-changer.

Google announced yesterday (19 November 2014) that it would introduce ‘mobile friendly’ labels on search results to indicate which links are best optimized for smartphones and tablets.

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10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect to See in 2015

10 Web design trends you can expect to see in 2015

Every year, #Webdesign grows and so many awesome things are being published daily. I can only imagine that the best is yet to come in 2015.

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