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8 ways it pays to build social media marketing campaigns

As social media marketing enters a level of unprecedented maturity, communicators who use it as a tool in their arsenal are starting to realize its benefit as a true revenue generator.

Most social networks tend to curb the reach and influence a post can have if it is not promoted (i.e. paid for), but that hasn’t stopped brand managers from finding ways to take advantage of these platforms and find new ways to turn social media storytelling into dollars.

A new infographic from MDG Advertising provides an eight-point checklist of the steps you should take to turn your social media marketing into profit. Those steps include:

1. Strategy

2. Auditing

3. Technology

4. Paid Media

5. Content Development

6. Customer Response

7. Compliance & Risk Management

8. Measurement

When a brand manager can master all these aspects of social media marketing simultaneously, success (and profit) becomes easily achievable. However, be aware that as soon as you master these steps, a new crop of best practices will probably spring up.

Get details on each of the eight steps to social media profitability in the infographic below:

Read more: 8 ways it pays to build social media marketing campaigns

Get in on the web development gold rush with this complete front end to back education

Learning to program for the internet is the way of the future in an increasingly connected world. Getting started, however, can be intimidating. Take the pain (and tuition) out of getting a complete web development education with the Pay What You Want: Web Hacker Bundle, a 7-course collection of everything you need to start programming like a pro.

Here’s how it works. Beat the average price and you’ll get seven complete courses, and over 73 hours of content covering everything from Python to Ruby on Rails. Pay below, and you’ll still get a crash course in the fast-growing virtualization technology Docker, and the data management system, Apache Cassandra. Either way you win!

At the end of the day, though, it’s just a few dollars more to learn to expedite website construction with Bootstrap, master the web’s most popular language, JavaScript, increase web interactivity with PHP and MySQL, and much more.

The Pay What You Want: Web Hacker Bundle is currently available at the BGR Store, and includes all 7 courses if you can beat the average price.

Read more: Get in on the web development gold rush with this complete front end to back education

4 Trends in Website Design That Small Businesses Need to Know

Small businesses are an integral part of our economy. Every business aims to solve a problem and create value in doing so. This is particularly true of small businesses. They provide a service or product that meets local needs and can fulfill requirements for larger businesses.

The benefits of small businesses are numerous, but often they can have difficulty creating, sharing, and establishing their message. Entrepreneurs, startups, and freelancers watch their budgets carefully, and expenses outside of delivering the product are kept to a minimum. That means marketing budgets get shaved first.

Websites for any product or service are today’s version of a first impression. Consumers make a variety of instant decisions about whether to continue on a site or jump to a competitor’s. A person’s eyes take just 2.6 seconds to focus on a particular element of a webpage when it loads, according to research from Missouri University of Science and Technology.

Brands working to establish and expand their digital identity can expect to see increased competition for consumer attention online. Consumers increasingly form opinions about brands on the basis of their browsing experience, making it imperative to establish a positive digital identity. Here is what we can expect in the evolution of small-business website design.

1. Less reliance on custom code

Businesses have traditionally hired design firms to design their websites. Websites are perceived to be difficult to create and highly technical to maintain. But platforms that allow non-tech savvy individuals to develop their sites in a drag-and-drop format have begun to rival the value of web design firms. For small businesses, do-it-yourself websites are a viable alternative.

The less you rely on coding to create a beautiful site, the less complicated it will be. Uri Foox, president of the e-commerce website design platform Zoey, says that despite SaaS platforms’ ability to remove much of the complexity associated with running an online store or website, code is still needed to customize the front-end design of a site, for almost all platforms.

Read more: 4 Trends in Website Design That Small Businesses Need to Know

21 Steps to Becoming a Successful Web Developer

This is important to ask, because so many people around the world are web developers, but how many of them are successful at it?

My goal for this article is to equip you with the mindset, knowledge and skills to stand out from the crowd and make a success of your web development career — whether that’s at a company or freelancing for yourself.

This article is intended for aspiring web developers and web developers who are struggling to break through the “barrier of mediocrity.”

These 21 steps will help you succeed in web development and beyond.

1. Is This Something You’re Truly Passionate About?
“Passion” is a word so commonly used that the actual meaning gets distorted. It actually means “a strong and barely controllable emotion.”

Passion is not passive: it’s a pursuit to act. Most people hate their 9–5 jobs, but few do jobs they love and are passionate about.

It’s important to ask yourself these three questions:

    1. Does the thought of creating websites and web apps excite me?
    2. Would this be an exciting career for me to do?
    3. Would becoming a web developer be in line with the lifestyle I’d like to have for myself (and my family)?

If you answered yes to the above questions, you’re on the right path to becoming a web developer.

Read more: 21 Steps to Becoming a Successful Web Developer


Is Web Design Dying?

Web design isn’t dying. It’s just being folded into full stack development.

There are several design specializations that are relevant to web development, such as user experience design and visual design.

Web design is no such specialization – it’s a more general term that’s traditionally associated with building static websites, or dynamic websites built on top of an off-the-shelf content management system like WordPress or Drupal.

But web applications are becoming more complicated. This complexity requires additional skills. Hence the rise of the full stack developer, who is comfortable with front end development tools (like React) and back end development tools (like Node.js).

Also, the term “web design” has generally fallen out of favor – at least here in San Francisco. Plenty of laypeople still refer to the act of building websites as “web design” but far fewer practitioners refer to themselves as “web designers.”

This question originally appeared on Quora. the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. You can follow Quora on Twitter, and Facebook. More questions:

Read more: Is Web Design Dying?

Why Social Media Marketing Is Still Important

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) cannot be effective without well-executed content. And that’s where social media marketing kicks in. SEO and SMM (Social Media Marketing) go together like peas and carrots.

Social Media Marketing helps you to get your content seen, which in turn can substantially increase your number of brand mentions on the web. Today marketers today are calling it “top of mind.” Which is the new way to say, “brand awareness.”

The better you promote your content across marketing channels, the more referring domains you will receive.

Which Channel Should You Use?

Social media marketing can be tricky because you have to understand your audience, and the level of their sophistication, and familiarity with a channel before you can decide to market yourself on it.

For example the older generation, that is becoming my generation, are more familiar with Facebook and Twitter than we are with Snapchat. Therefore, if you’re trying to reach generation X then you probably want to be on Facebook.

Understanding how to use that channel properly to reach your audience is also paramount. Facebook is very difficult for brands today to reach their audience because of the amount of money you now have to spend on advertisement. Twitter is a microblog and so every few seconds a new tweet goes out for something by someone, somewhere. You can see the stats on this at this link. Understanding the heartbeat of every channel and how to reach your audience is going to be very important otherwise your post will just end up in the ether.

Storytelling with social media

One of the things about social media marketing is it has the ability to take a series of pictures and tie them together into a slideshow in order to craft and weave a story together for your audience.

Read more: Why Social Media Marketing Is Still Important

Use What Google Gives You To Create A Successful SEO Content Strategy

I’m a nerd who loves analytics. I’m also stingy and hate paying monthly for SaaS marketing tools. Fortunately, Google provides all the tools I need to succeed as a marketer without paying a dime or signing up for a free trial.

Below, I share how you can take what Google gives you to create a search engine optimization content strategy and market your business through content on your website.

Google Autocomplete Feature

Nothing gets our creative SEO content strategy juices flowing like Google autocomplete. This tool uses search predictions to suggest what other people are searching for based on the terms you are typing. In other words, it’s a search marketer’s dream. Begin by going to and typing out the main keywords associated with your product or service. Immediately you should begin seeing the top search predictions based on what other people are searching for.

For example, let’s take “dog food.” Autocomplete will suggest five search queries that are your starting point for an SEO content strategy. Examples: Dog food container. Dog food brands. Dog food coupons.

Take Google autocomplete one step further by typing in every letter of the alphabet after your main keywords. “Dog food a” produces queries like “dog food allergies” and “dog food analysis.” “Dog food b” produces suggestions like “dog food bowl” and “dog food brands.” Make a long list of all the autocomplete suggestions that make sense for your product or service. Spin these keywords into content ideas like “Five Tasty Dog Food Brands That Puppies Love.” Then, get to creating the content.

This search prediction tool uncovers long-tail keywords in an efficient and creative way. It’s a wonderful method to kick off any SEO content creation strategy.
Read more: Use What Google Gives You To Create A Successful SEO Content Strategy


Top 2017 Web Design Trends

Every year, the web design industry goes through some sort of evolution cycle to stay relevant and inspiring.

Last year, I wrote about the top web design trends to watch in 2016, many of which have taken root and changed the way we understand design forever.

This year, like a number of UX experts, I’m betting on AI-powered chatbots, VR, and immersive storytelling trends to leave a permanent mark on the industry. Undoubtedly, we will also see a lot of last year’s trends continue to shape and influence the web design space.

Without further ado, let’s explore what design innovations can give your website a serious facelift in 2017.

VR and 360º video

Although the gadget world was abuzz last year with the exciting virtual reality (VR) announcements, the trend hasn’t made a huge impact on web design trends so far. One great example of how VR and 360º video can be incorporated into web design to create a breathtaking, interactive experience is Peugeot 208’s promo campaign that utilizes both technologies to showcase a new product.

Google’s Daydream VR headset is at the forefront of this movement, expanding our imagination of how the technology could be adapted for everyday use, but many other brands are jumping on the wagon too, including Playstation, HTC, and Microsoft. With so many possible practical uses of the gadget, we’re bound to see VR and 360º video finally bleeding into the web design space too.

Card design and grid layouts

First popularized by Pinterest, card design layouts continue to shape and influence web design trends and we will be seeing more of this dynamic grid style in 2017. What makes cards so appealing is the simplicity, organization, flexibility and responsiveness that they create. Grid layouts are particularly suitable for pages with an abundance of data, as they make the information more accessible and enticing. A web development agency htmlBoutique utilizes the grid layout to create unique compositions of case studies and give their portfolio an extra oomph that sets it apart from typical showcase pages.

9 Top Social Media Influencers Marketers Need to Follow

The days of questioning whether Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms are legitimate marketing tools are way behind us.

Those “in the know” are using social media to share their ideas, businesses, and day-to-day lives. Some of them are making millions from posting pictures online and uploading vlogs to YouTube, and others are using social media as a major strategy to scaling venture-backed startups.

The following social media influencers are all contributors to a new book called 3 Billion Under 30, brought together by 21-year-old Jared Kleinert, a TED speaker and “go to” marketing consultant for #1 NYT bestselling authors, Fortune 500 companies, and even the United Nations. Who are they, and why should you be following them? Here’s your answer.

1. Jake Paul (@jakepaul)
Jake Paul just turned 20, and yet he has over 17 million social media followers. His videos, which originally were posted on Vine and now span over Instagram, YouTube, Musically, and other platforms, have gained over 4 billion views combined, and Jake has been able to turn his social media stardom into other ventures.

He’s now the founder of TeamDom, which includes investors like Gary Vaynerchuk and Shots Studios (who’s in turn backed by Justin Bieber, Pete Cashmore, and other media titans). He’s also become a successful actor. Companies ranging from Coca Cola, Beats, Universal, and others look to Jake and his “crew” to market their products to millennials and Gen Z’ers.

2. Shonduras (@shonduras)
Shaun McBride, or “Shonduras,” may very well have been the first to partner with a corporation for a sponsored Snapchat story. Disney saw the potential for influencer marketing via Snapchat and decided to work with Shonduras to showcase their parks.

Shonduras has quickly become one of the top social media influencers on the web, most notably via Snapchat. He’s been able to leverage his following to earn revenue for his company in a variety of ways, from keynote speaking to selling merchandise, branded content, and more. Now he’s looking into different ways to push digital content creation to its limits, and have the “Best Day Ever” during all hours in his climb.

Read more: 9 Top Social Media Influencers Marketers Need to Follow

SEO trends to prepare for in 2017

Search engine optimization is evolving at lightning speed. As 2016 begins to wind down, it is time to examine the digital marketing landscape for the upcoming year.

There have been numerous developments in SEO over the past 10 months. A lot of the prominent trends of 2016 will continue and grow in 2017. As Google’s algorithm updates constantly keep business owners on their toes, several other trends are expected to take shape in 2017.

Here are a few things look out for in the ensuing months:

Optimization for user intent
Although keywords are still important, typing in simple words yields simple results. Consumers today know exactly what they’re looking for, and search engines are getting much better at identifying user intent. Therefore, users are now entering full queries or phrases in search engines, which gather data and heuristics to provide results more effectively.

In 2017, brands will need to place value on optimizing their digital content based on intent rather than specific keywords. For your SEO strategy, it will be critical to:

Investigate. What are users searching for that brings them to your page? What questions do they want your content to answer?
Optimize. Once you have gathered your research data and found areas that need work, make the changes needed to boost ratings. Based on your research, tell the consumer’s story by altering content to reflect the reader’s experience.
Adjust. Keep up with analytics to see what’s working and what isn’t so you can update accordingly.

More rich answers and snippets
We all turn to Google for answers. In response to our queries, Google will often display the required information directly in search results, along with other helpful websites, videos, movie or event information, reviews or specific dates.

Structured data markup (often referred to as “schema markup”) can help website owners achieve these enhanced listings on search engine results pages (SERPs). This markup works to assist search engines in understanding website content, allowing them to display that information in a way that is helpful for users.

For example, let’s say you ask Google for instructions for cooking meatloaf. The SERP features a rich answer (also known as a “direct answer” or “featured snippet”), followed by search listings that contain rich snippets relevant to recipes, such as reviews, ratings, cook time and calorie information:

Read more: SEO trends to prepare for in 2017