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A technology or framework doesn’t have to be brand new to be on our list here, it just needs to be growing rapidly or evolving in an interesting way. Let’s take a look!


Single Page Applications (SPAs) saw a leap in popularity in 2018. A simple concept made possible by the power of modern Javascript, a SPA loads a page once then never reloads it or navigates to another page; instead, Javascript is used to manipulate the DOM and render new layouts in the browser. JSON data can be sent between the client and server, but the page behaves more like a desktop application than a “conventional” website. (Visit the websites of Gmail, Facebook, Apple and many more to see a SPA in action). It can provide a much snappier experience to the user and really transform the responsiveness of a site, but usually requires a sizeable chunk of code shipped to the browser. It’s an idea that’s been popular for a while but really saw a lot of developer engagement last year.



What Are The Best Times To Post On Social Media? (These “Heat Maps” Have The Answers)

Every company marketer posting on social media is curious about the best times to post their content. While each audience is unique, having a rule of thumb can be extremely helpful when you’re first starting out. Sprout Social recently published the results of their “Best Times to Post on Social Media: 2018 Industry Research”, a report which includes preferred time slots for the big 4 — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Unlike other reports I’ve seen on this topic, which often recommend a single time or small window, Sprout has detailed “heat maps” for each channel. I reached out to Rachael Samuels, Social Media Manager at Sprout Social, to find out more about the report and the research behind their findings.

Harrison: Other companies have looked into the best times to post on social. What did your data science team do differently?

Samuels: Sprout Social’s data science team constructed a more targeted approach that takes into account interactions with 935 million messages across 420,000 social profiles connected to Sprout. The data that our team uncovered not only provides specific days and times for the most engagement on social for each platform, but offers similar data for specific industries, including tech, CPG, and healthcare, among others. Using this data as a guide empowers marketers with the best opportunities to maximize personalized consumer engagement.

Read more: What Are The Best Times To Post On Social Media? (These “Heat Maps” Have The Answers)

How will AI change the web development in future?

AI is present everywhere – from chatbots to virtual assistants, AI is used in day to day activities. Virtual assistants like Siri and Cortana are helping the users by processing their queries on the internet via voice. They are capable of performing the simple task like playing music, setting the alarm, and providing weather reports. Home assistants like Google home and Amazon Echo are also offering the users simple activation of home appliances. AI is slowly but certainly creeping in our daily lives.

The goals of AI are (“Artificial Intelligence Overview”, 2018) to create expert systems and to implement Human intelligence in machines. Machine learning a branch of AI which allows the web applications to adapt by observing and learning from users’ habits, idiosyncrasies and preferences.

Web development is a highly popular field as users are always looking for a rich and personalized content. Nothing is better than hyper-customized user experience. The web development companies are facing challenges to move away from the traditional approaches in web development. Therefore, the need for AI and the related tools is felt. Automating the web development put less stress on the web developers. With the involvement of AI in the process, web developers can leave the cumbersome task on the AI and focus on the value-adding aspects of the web application development like planning rich user experience, formulating the design strategies and other related activities. In-fact Human-machine collaboration can revolutionize the field of web development

Read more: How will AI change the web development in future?

4 Tips For Harnessing Social Media To Win Clients And Grow Revenue

Social networks have, to a large extent, defined the way we work and live. Not only do these conversational tools ignite debate and broaden networks, but in a very real sense they nourish a collective consciousness, an understanding of what it means to be alive in the world right here, right now.

From a business standpoint, there’s never been a better time to harness the power of this 21st-century medium to gain clients and generate leads. We’re not talking about showy brand waving: we’re talking about using social media to get clients on the phone and through the door. To leverage apps used by billions to acquire new business and make meaningful connections.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But the truth is, while the rewards are great, getting social media marketing right can be a challenge. There are a myriad of powerful management tools and services available, an array of techniques and stratagems which promise to put your brand in front of prospective clients and capture their interest. Social media platforms, lest we forget, are crowded spaces. How can you make yourself heard above the noise? How will you differentiate your brand? And is landing your dream client actually realistic?

Read more: 4 Tips For Harnessing Social Media To Win Clients And Grow Revenue

Trends You can Expect in Web Development for 2019

The current generation of website developers is ideal employees in consideration of web development spectrum. Most of the modern people respond quickly to various changes along with growth in the professional environment. They can study, improvise their qualification and also change as well as get into the trend quite easily. The different trends in web development can evolve rapidly. Every industry is getting revolutionized in various aspects. Website development services are swiftly adopting various technologies like blockchain, augmented and virtual reality and even user behavior tracking, and we have seen the rise of chatbots.

Let’s have a look at the recent trends that you can expect in web development in 2019:

  1. Emergence of Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps, or popularly known as PWAs have appeared a couple of years ago and have gained immense popularity owing to the user behavior study. Web development has stepped in a certain direction in a forward sense. Progressive web applications are essentially based on CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. They are actually designed to simplify the complete interaction of the website users with the website and hence stimulate the loyalty and conversion of customers.

Read more: Trends You can Expect in Web Development for 2019

Social Media Marketing Lessons Learnt in 2018

2018 has been a busy year in the social media marketing world. From major news feed changes to the introduction of exciting new features, social media marketers have certainly been kept on their toes.

Join us as we reflect on all the valuable lessons we’ve learnt from working in the social media space this past year.

Creativity is key

With hundreds of thousands of updates being posted to popular social media sites every minute, creativity is key to standing out in the crowd. It’s no longer enough to share a simple piece of text on your business’s products or services – marketers need to create compelling copy and captivating imagery and/or videos in order to catch, and hold, their customers’ attention.

Read more: Social Media Marketing Lessons Learnt in 2018

Infographic: Social media marketing insights for the holidays

Social media is an important channel for marketers looking to make a holiday splash.

As consumers begin their holiday shopping for gifts and bargains, they are more and more likely to be influenced by social media posts. A well-placed call to action on Instagram or Facebook, or a LinkedIn campaign, might make the difference between a happy new year and a lackluster holiday season.

This infographic from Animoto details how marketers should approach social media efforts for the holidays.

Insights include:

  • Seventy-nine percent of marketers say they will run a holiday ad on social media this year.
  • Of the marketers who ran a holiday ad last year on social channels, 88 percent say it was effective.
  • Some 56 percent say a holiday social media video campaign influenced a purchasing decision.

Read more: Infographic: Social media marketing insights for the holidays


Top 6 Web Development Trends that will Dominate 2019

When it comes to web development you are bound to experience constant changes and updates in the designs every year. In fact, the updates and trends are constantly changing and it is going to be the same for the upcoming year of 2019.

With constant growth and development, more and more people are realizing how important it is to stay ahead of the competition through web development. Creating valuable content, engaging the audience and good web experience is something web development creates for the audience.

Having a responsive website increases the chances of conversion; people who are visiting your website must find a reason to turn into your regular customers. This is where web development comes into action, web developers constantly keep themselves updated with the ongoing trends and algorithms in order to engage the audiences.

However, with constant changes and improvements in the world of web development, it becomes quite tough for businesses to keep up with the trends in order to have a steady conversion rate. Thereby, it is important for web developers to constantly stay updated keeping in mind the trends and the requirements of their customers.

Read more: Top 6 Web Development Trends that will Dominate 2019


Done Role of IoT in Web Development

With the increasing advent of technology and the ever-changing demands of people as well as businesses, there has been a rise in technologies which have merged to make the lives of people easier. One of the latest technology hacks which has revolutionized the whole world is the proliferation of IoT solutions. Web Development company Canada has contributed a lot to IoT.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is worldwide network of interconnected objects, uniquely addressable and based on standard communication protocols. It is about the integration of traditional technologies such as radio frequency identifiers (RFID), sensors, microcontrollers, actuators, bar codes, global positioning system (GPS), satellite technology, internet protocols, etc into applications.

Read more: Done Role of IoT in Web Development


Five Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2019

Every marketer today wants to make their brand presence felt. That is the reason why social media is being leveraged on a big scale.  Whether one owns an established business or a startup, social media marketing is something that everyone is using to reach and communicate with the customers. Doesn’t it make sense to be in a place where the crowd is? One often comes across some social media marketing activities that fail. While, on the other hand, some Facebook and Twitter pages become popular than the others. Many times, marketers observe that their competitors are doing better than them in social media marketing!

Everybody does make mistakes. How can social media marketers be any different? But the fact is, making too many mistakes can see the followers dwindle and their count drop. Indeed, it does affect the revenue of a business. As with all mistakes, the first step is understanding and becoming aware of them. It then becomes easier to avoid them in the future. Let’s discuss top five common social media marketing mistakes that one must avoid in the coming year – 2019.

1. Undefined goals and targeting the wrong audience. As a marketer, one may be working very hard, yet they may suffer badly if they aim and shoot in the dark. A marketer needs to ensure that they are not targeting the wrong audience. The key to success in social media marketing is to know and reach the target audience.

Most marketers commit one of the biggest social media marketing mistakes, that is, not properly defining their goals. Can anyone win without a goal? Once the goals are set, one can start working on their social media strategy and create a plan. For example, some of the goals that work well with social media could be to improve customer engagement or increase event attendance or increase website visits, etc.

Read more: Five Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2019