You launched your new e-commerce website and you’re excited about the promise of increased business.

You sit back and wait for the traffic to roll in. And then you wait some more.

After a few coffees, you realize it’s not catching on the way you expected. But why?

It’s very possible that it isn’t what you’re selling that’s the problem. You likely have a web development issue, that can be fixed.

Let’s take a look at common web development issues that hold businesses back and how to reverse them.

1. You Lack a Value Proposition

When it comes to content, what you present to website visitors is very important. While it’s okay to tell people your brand philosophy and some of your achievements (like many companies do), you have to make it relevant for potential customers.
That means you should take the time to develop a value proposition. There needs to be a focus on the products or services you’re offering – you tell the potential customer how these offerings can solve a problem that they have.

Think about what sets your products apart from your competitors, and then hammer that home in your website messaging. Tell them how you can better serve them or more affordably meet their needs.

2. You Don’t Know Who Your Audience Is

You could have heavy website traffic, but that doesn’t mean a thing if you don’t generate any sales leads from them.
This step of creating quality leads, not just website traffic, should actually start before the website is even built. Questions you should ask yourself include;

Read more: Web Development Issues: 7 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Driving Business