
Archive for September, 2020

3 Tips for Moving Your Web Development Processes in House

Virtually every startup business requires web development support. After all, it’s nearly impossible for a new company to generate interest and attract customers without a compelling, responsive website. What’s more, many small businesses rely on outsourced web developers to help them set up and expand other key digital features –– like ecommerce stores or chatbots. Eventually, though, some businesses may benefit from moving their web development team in house. This could help a company save money, become more efficient, and deliver improved customer experiences. With all that in mind, today we’ll share three tips for business leaders looking to pull off this tricky, but crucial, transition. Check them out here:

Retain Backup Support

Moving a complicated process like web development in house is going to take a lot of time and plenty of internal readjustment. As such, it makes a lot of sense to retain at least one or two web development freelancers who can help your new team handle their workload and become acclimated to the challenges they may face. Web development teams may need months to get in sync with each other and to develop meaningful solutions.

Create a Blueprint for Success

Not all web developers have the same skill sets or areas of expertise. That’s why it’s crucial for small business owners to determine how they want to progress their digital identity for years to come. Figure out if you want to build a new website, redesign your current one, create satellite sites, or improve your ecommerce setup before you begin the hiring process. Having specific assignments in mind will allow you to find web developers with relevant experience and qualifications.

Read more: 3 Tips for Moving Your Web Development Processes in House

3 Social Media Hacks to Help Your Content Go Viral

Whether you own a nonprofit or a social impact company, your cause deserves mass exposure. At times, it can feel challenging to utilize social media to unlock this. With so many competing causes and companies, much of it can feel like white noise. Fortunately, thanks to today’s social media accessibility, it’s easier than ever to get shares and more eyes on your cause’s content. A recent report by Statistica found that 95 percent of young adults follow a brand online. Social media isn’t just for friends and social engagements anymore.

Achieving virality is quite random, but there are a few social media hacks that can get you closer. Used consistently over time, these hacks can — at the very least — garner your cause more exposure than any of your previous social media efforts.

1. Capture attention right off the bat

Especially if you don’t yet have a big name or a significant following, it can be hard to fight for viewers’ attention. Because the average person has the attention span of a goldfish, they have to instantly be interested in your content in order to engage further. Garrett Adkins, the co-founder of Impact Media, says it’s “all about the first three seconds.”

Read more: 3 Social Media Hacks to Help Your Content Go Viral

10 Tips to Grow Web Development Business During COVID-19

Irrespective of your organizational structure or size a website is hard to indispensable. An attractive website is not enough, as customers have to be driven to the site. Only if the website is attractive customers would stay there and sales figures would scale new territories. In the present era of COVID-19, this posses to be a considerable challenge.

Only a handful few small businesses have the financial capacity to afford services of the website development business. The better news is if you focus on a few basic principles on anticipated lines you can derive true value for your investment.

Tips to enhance web development business during the pandemic

Business-oriented approach

Be aware that the website works out to be a business tool and a quality design is essential. Ideally, it should be business-driven and your current and future customers can engage with the company via a quality website. Regular branding and promotion of your company starts off with a quality website and from there stationery, marketing along with other activities start.

Review and develop measures

Sometimes you could be happy with the layout and design of your website. But the need of the hour is to evaluate the performance of your website on a regular basis. Does it align with the customer needs or has the design changed considering the market trends? Check with the graphics, content or the design is a relevant one. For example, if the website is operational for numerous years, it is difficult to adopt an objective approach.

Design differentiation

People who have a shorter attention span might be forced to leave the website within a short time frame. At this juncture, design has a role to play. Due to improved design and higher bandwidth of the internet, the design of a website has developed. Images along with graphics have assumed new proportions and we are well on the way to be establishing a greater brand identity. Another way you could differentiate from the completion is via a graphics design.

Recurring development

A website should not be static and needs to be continuously developing. Sadly most people fail to acknowledge this fact and once a website is over they feel that a task is accomplished. But you have to update the website on a regular basis in terms of content and design. Developing blogs and providing links to the website are ways to achieve the task. A reason for its importance is clients along with visitors have a liking towards attractive sites. Even Google is bound to revise their listings if the site is not updated on a regular basis.

Reaching number one

When a customer is searching for a service or product, they would be availing services of a search engine. It is important that your site is mentioned on the search engines. Smaller companies are of the opinion that only the large companies can reach the number one rankings, but this is a myth. If you have a proper strategy in place it is possible to reach the number one rankings easily.

Sort out the priorities

When marketing any component of your business, it is necessary that you have a clear strategy in place. Even when marketing your website it is no different as you have to formulate short term and long term goals and a web designer might not justify the decision. Designers often lack the concepts of SEO and the basic versions of Meta tags would not suffice. For example, even if you have an active marketing strategy sales figures would not substantive.

Read more: 10 Tips to Grow Web Development Business During COVID-19

How To Grow Your Community With Social Media Marketing

One of the most important ways to boost customer loyalty is by building a community. Even though smartphones and mobile internet connect billions of people, it’s harder than ever to gain trust or loyalty. This is because your audience is inundated with content, including promotional messages from your competitors.

You can advertise to your user base but it’s harder to make them remember you and trust you enough to buy from you. You can manage this distance by creating an emotional connection between you and your audience. And the most practical way to do this is by creating a community.

In this post, we’ll look at how you can leverage social media to build a solid community around your brand. Businesses like Lego, Harley Davidson, and many others have online communities to share ideas. These places offer a curated space for people to share their passions.

For some types of businesses, not having a community is not an option. Coaching, personal wellness, or educational businesses need to develop a community to share information and offer their audience support.

Let’s look at how you can build your own brand community by leveraging social media. We have two main approaches based on the platforms you choose. You can:

Create a membership site and use social media to draw in more members
Build your community using social media as your main platform
Each option has advantages and their own problems too. You can also use both options simultaneously.

Whatever approach you adopt, you need to have a clear strategy in place. Let’s get started!

Creating a membership site
A membership site or portal is a gated website where your audience can access content by signing up as a member. You’ll need to have a membership software to do this and create unique content that members are willing to come back for.

You get more control and several benefits by creating your own membership site.

  • A membership portal allows you to build your brand image more effectively
  • You can add features to your site such as email marketing, online courses, forums, and loyalty programs
  • The availability of in-depth analytics
  • Complete customization of your membership site

Read more: How To Grow Your Community With Social Media Marketing

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