One of the most important ways to boost customer loyalty is by building a community. Even though smartphones and mobile internet connect billions of people, it’s harder than ever to gain trust or loyalty. This is because your audience is inundated with content, including promotional messages from your competitors.

You can advertise to your user base but it’s harder to make them remember you and trust you enough to buy from you. You can manage this distance by creating an emotional connection between you and your audience. And the most practical way to do this is by creating a community.

In this post, we’ll look at how you can leverage social media to build a solid community around your brand. Businesses like Lego, Harley Davidson, and many others have online communities to share ideas. These places offer a curated space for people to share their passions.

For some types of businesses, not having a community is not an option. Coaching, personal wellness, or educational businesses need to develop a community to share information and offer their audience support.

Let’s look at how you can build your own brand community by leveraging social media. We have two main approaches based on the platforms you choose. You can:

Create a membership site and use social media to draw in more members
Build your community using social media as your main platform
Each option has advantages and their own problems too. You can also use both options simultaneously.

Whatever approach you adopt, you need to have a clear strategy in place. Let’s get started!

Creating a membership site
A membership site or portal is a gated website where your audience can access content by signing up as a member. You’ll need to have a membership software to do this and create unique content that members are willing to come back for.

You get more control and several benefits by creating your own membership site.

  • A membership portal allows you to build your brand image more effectively
  • You can add features to your site such as email marketing, online courses, forums, and loyalty programs
  • The availability of in-depth analytics
  • Complete customization of your membership site

Read more: How To Grow Your Community With Social Media Marketing