
Archive for January, 2020

4 Secrets of Website Design Project Success

The internet has “democratized” many aspects of modern life and business. For example, anyone or any business can easily have a website today. That’s a good thing.

This means that anyone or any business can design or supervise the design of a website. That’s not always a good thing.

Unless they’ve received some training, most people aren’t good designers when they first start out and you know the old saying: You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

If you’re designing your own site using WordPress, WIX, Square, or any of the tools provided by the various web hosts, or if you’re hiring a freelancer to design your site, you need to have some command of what’s important for your site and how you should approach the project.

Let’s start looking at our four secrets of successful website design and project management from what may be an unexpected point of view: your mobile website.

1. Start with the little screen

I think most website owners still consider their mobile site a secondary consideration, but it should be at the top of your list for two solid reasons:

·         Mobile is rapidly catching up to desktop for website viewing, and

·         Designing for mobile forces you to seriously consider what you want your website to accomplish.

The second point above is the one I want you to focus on. Experienced creators know that creation is easy, editing is hard. And, this is especially dangerous when creating a website, because you aren’t limited by space.

Read more: 4 Secrets of Website Design Project Success

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Social media trends for 2020

With over fifteen years of experience in the global digital market, I am one of the world’s leading references when it comes to social networking. Today, my work field is new business in content management and digital transformation, focusing on Latin America and the Hispanic Market. After a long period living in various countries around the world, aiming to know different markets and business opportunities, I returned to Brazil, where I prepared for new professional challenges.

With all this experience, I now share through the text below some of my bets for digital marketing in 2020.

1. The creation of a new cultural model of business.

Marketers are increasingly being pressured for results as digital and online commerce advance. Brands must urgently reinvent themselves by creating a new value culture for this new consumer or they will no longer be attractive and desirable. The agenda today goes beyond digital transformation, more in the construction of new cultural positions, because the consumer is constantly changing.

In the communication industry, what is striking is that the billing model of many agencies has been falling dramatically in recent months, and the growth targets of many agencies, year after year are redirected to smaller numbers due to numerous factors.

Read more: Social media trends for 2020

10 web design trends that will dominate your screen in 2020

The end of the year is coming up fast, and we’re already looking towards what next year will bring. For designers like myself, the end of the year is an inspiring time. What trends and design aesthetics will be popularized in 2020? What trends will likely be on their way out?

“The 10,000 foot-view of these trends makes it clear that ‘web’ design looks more like traditional ‘graphic’ or ‘print’ design than ever. The amount of flexibility that designers in being expressive and creatively nimble is astonishing compared to just five or ten years ago,” states Khoi Vinh, Senior Director of Product Design at Adobe XD.

Vinh couldn’t be more right. Having done this look ahead in design trends for several years now, I can completely agree that these trends show just how creative designers have become with making the web feel more like other types of media, such as graphic design and print design.

If you’re a designer, or a fan of great design, you’re in luck. I’ve done most of the heavy lifting for you, and pulled together the top web design trends that will likely grace your screens in 2020.

Read more: 10 web design trends that will dominate your screen in 2020

Forbes: New Study Suggests Lead Generation Is A Key Growth Challenge For Most Companies

Marketers are often held accountable for driving growth. Yet, it is elusive for many companies, which is why Gartner found in a survey that generating growth is the top priority for CEOs. commissioned an independent survey among more than 750 decision makers in U.K. businesses to identify the specific growth-related challenges that companies are facing. They found that 58% indicated that lead generation is a key challenge business leaders face. Over 40% describe their business’ current sales and marketing efforts as “outdated,” with 59% of businesses relying on spreadsheets to track how they are marketing to leads and 33% relying on cold calling to sell to leads. Essentially, a reliance on traditional sales methods such as cold calling, buying data and using spreadsheets is preventing businesses from winning new customers, the research suggests.

Interestingly, the introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018 negatively impacted 42% of businesses, reducing their databases of leads. Furthermore, 44% believe GDPR made it extremely difficult to capture new leads and effectively market to them.

Nikolas Kairinos, CEO and cofounder of, said: “Lead generation is the lifeblood of a company, so it is a concern to see so many businesses struggling in this area. Our research shows there is an over-reliance on old methods of lead generation, which may have been the norm decades ago but are inadequate in today’s digital world. Businesses need to adapt to ensure they remain competitive and increase the number of leads that eventually convert into sales. Fortunately, there exists a host of accessible technological solutions to change the way businesses are able to run sales and marketing campaigns, from big data and social media profiling through to artificial intelligence and machine learning.”

Salvatore Minetti, CEO at Fountech Ventures, said: “The lack of sales predictability and the challenge of converting a lead into a customer, be it a consumer or business, is a top concern companies of all sizes face. What’s more, traditional sales and lead generation techniques are typically labor intensive, expensive and time-consuming, with sales and marketing professionals forced to carry out repetitive and tedious tasks in the hope that a lead will eventually convert. That’s why this shift towards automation and AI comes should come as no surprise. By employing creative AI algorithms, lead generation can be performed much more efficiently. It also means that sales and marketing professionals are able to harness real-time data from sources like sales, texts and social media, and use this information to make important strategic decisions.”

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10 Tools for Social Media Managers in 2020

The social media landscape shifts on a regular basis, but it has changed dramatically since Entrepreneur’s 2016 article, “6 New Social Media Marketing Tools The Experts Use,” and so too have the services around it. Some tools are still very much relevant — Buffer, for example — but four years is a lifetime in social media, so it’s high time for a refreshed version. Here is my list of social media management tools that will ensure you’re equipped with the latest technology as we enter 2020.

Social media post-scheduling tools

1. Buffer

Buffer, chosen by Neil Patel in the 2016 list, is still as relevant today as it has ever been. With powerful drag-and-drop scheduling features across nearly all social media platforms, it’s one of the most useful tools for organizing your social media calendar.

Buffer has also added a mobile app and a browser extension to help you curate content across platforms. Using its insights into the engagement reached by the millions of posts scheduled through its platform, it also provides analytics, such as days and times when it’s ideal to post.

Read more: 10 Tools for Social Media Managers in 2020


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