
Archive for September, 2019

The Top Elements of Effective B2B Web Design

While B2B sales are typically complicated, your website shouldn’t be (at least not to your user). Below are eight essential things every B2B website design must have:

  1. Clear Navigation

Your website’s navigation is not the time to get creative with copy or design. The navigation is a utilitarian element and you want the user to easily find exactly what they are looking for (and quickly) through your main navigation.

  1. A Homepage that Tells Your Brand Story

Always assume the user coming to your B2B website knows nothing about your company. As such, you want to take them on a journey, starting with an attractive hero image or video and a short and poignant brand statement. As the user scrolls down the page, engage them with subtle animation, short blocks of copy, and imagery to support it. Your website’s home page must give the user a reason to stay and explore further.

3. Products and/or Services Section
A section of your B2B web design must be dedicated to going into a decent amount of detail about your products and services. This can start with a product or services landing page that gives a quick overview of everything your firm has to offer.

From there, the user should have the option to go one step further and get to a page with more detail. However, when I say detail, I don’t mean a page full of long-form copy. I’m talking about concise, engaging bits of content with imagery, illustrations, photography, and/or videos to support it. You don’t need to tell the whole story, but enough of the story to educated the user so they are motivated to take action, such as filling out a form or picking up the phone.

4. Clear CTAs and Contact Page
Don’t make a prospect or client visiting your website search for how to contact you. Buttons, pop-ups, chat features, and an easy-to-find contact page are absolutely critical to any successful B2B website design.

Read more: The Top Elements of Effective B2B Web Design

5 Key Components of a Successful Influencer Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

With social platform functionality advancing, and algorithms further limiting organic reach, influencer marketing has continued to become a more viable, valuable digital outreach consideration, which an expanding range of brands are now looking into.

But it’s not as simple as just reaching out to an influential user and asking them to post on behalf of your brand. You need to research the right influencers who have connection to those consumers that you want to reach, you need to establish goals and a strategy to maximize your effort, and you then need to utilize your influencer-created content for optimal results.

There’s a lot to take into account – which is where this new infographic from the team at Pan Communications comes in.

Here is an overview of some of the key considerations you need to keep in mind when mapping out an influencer marketing approach. Using these notes as a guide, you’ll be well on your way to building an effective, beneficial influencer marketing program.

Read more: 5 Key Components of a Successful Influencer Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

The rise of the smart site: How web design is driving business growth

A new white paper from Kayo demonstrates how web design and development can drive business growth.

Kent-based technical agency, Kayo, has launched a new report, exploring how effective web design and development can drive business growth.

Entitled ‘The rise of the smart site’, the report demonstrates how your website can act as your most powerful business development manager, if harnessed and optimised correctly as part of a wider web strategy.

The report highlights how against a backdrop of ever-evolving customer expectations, a growing number of channels and routes to market and competitors on all sides, your website is a hugely powerful tool to help build brand awareness and drive business growth.

Read more: The rise of the smart site: How web design is driving business growth

8 Steps to Build a Capable Social Media Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

If you don’t have a social media marketing strategy in place by now, you need to rectify that. While “posting and praying” may see you get some results, it won’t enable you to derive the full capability of social media platforms for brand promotion, and maximize your performance.

In order to get the most out of your efforts, you need a plan. This overview from the team at StatusBrew provides a good rundown of the key fundamentals that will establish a stable foundation for your ongoing social media marketing activities.

These are the basic building blocks for your process – take a look at the infographic below and start thinking about their application for your business.

Read more: 8 Steps to Build a Capable Social Media Marketing Strategy [Infographic]


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