
All posts tagged Web Development Trends

6 Web Development Trends Every CTO Should Know in 2020

The web development industry is quickly evolving, and companies need to keep ahead with innovations to stay competitive in the online world. Web development trends might seem to change even faster than they are implemented by most of the enterprises. However, if you want to position yourself an innovation-driven brand and trendsetter, you must be aware of all the current web tendencies.  To help you navigate the latest web development trends and save time spent on the market investigation, I provide an intensely concentrated piece of information in this article. Meet the six most popular web development trends that are gaining momentum in 2020.

A progressive web app is a website with the same functionalities as native apps. It is fast-loading and can work both online and with a bad Internet connection. PWAs allow users to enjoy a high-end experience and forget that they still are using the web browser. The world-known brands like Forbes, Twitter, and Alibaba have already unlocked the benefits of PWAs for the excellence of their online presence.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

A progressive web app is a website with the same functionalities as native apps. It is fast-loading and can work both online and with a bad Internet connection. PWAs allow users to enjoy a high-end experience and forget that they still are using the web browser. The world-known brands like Forbes, Twitter, and Alibaba have already unlocked the benefits of PWAs for the excellence of their online presence.

Along with PWAs, we can also see a similar trend. It’s an AMP (an accelerated mobile page), an open-source HTML framework developed by Google as a competitor to Facebook instant articles. AMPs also load very quickly and display only the essential information like text, images, etc., omitting unessential UI elements. They might be a perfect choice for websites oriented at publishing news and articles.

Animation in UI

Motion graphics is one of the biggest web design and development trends this year. The business can greatly benefit from motion graphics in website design and leverage its power to increase visitor engagement, guide them throughout a site, demonstrate relations between components, visualize information in dynamic charts and beautiful graphs, and more.

Besides functionality, the visual experience is one of the key factors to success in software development. Users love brands that offer them something more exciting than a straightforward layout. Keeping things simple and caring about the UX intuitiveness, you can also consider adding the background motion graphics, animated hovers, beautiful transitions in a header and footer, modular scrolling, and other UI animations. Although it adds to the development time, motion graphics in UI is worth it since it increases the end-users’ satisfaction and helps turn them into returning customers.

Read more: 6 Web Development Trends Every CTO Should Know in 2020

Web development trends 2019 – Ponder on them to make a difference

Today, every business or individual is making a shift to the online world with a website or web app. As per the 2018 Web Server survey by Netcraft, the internet has more than 200 million active websites. The total number of websites is around ten times more than the active ones. Further, the report reveals that more than 200 new websites are launched every minute today.

The rapid rise in the number of websites brings a lot of new resources to users, but it also increases competition and the need for new skills for web developers.

The world of web development experiences demand constant transformation every year, whether it is related to tools, services, coding, languages, or designs. And with every year, new trends and technologies emerge out to evolve the way developers work. While one year is dominated by static websites, the next by mobile responsiveness, then another by chatbots.

Web development trends in 2019
To make the best out of web development and stand apart from the competition, developers will need to keep track of these web development trends in 2019 and use the same into their work.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is one of the hottest technology today and is used as a core component in most of the digital transformation strategies. More and more enterprises are implementing AI to automate business processes, reduce costs and accelerate time to market.

As per the leading analyst firm Gartner, the business value from AI will reach $1.2 trillion in 2018, up 70 per cent from 2017. Further, it is predicted that AI-derived business value will total $3.9 trillion by 2022.

In 2019, the role of AI will increase significantly in web development arena like never before. Companies will leverage the power of AI in web development to improve productivity and customer satisfaction.

Read more: Web development trends 2019 – Ponder on them to make a difference

Nine Web Development Trends to Comprehend

Nowadays if you want to grab and maintain your customers’ attention, it is imperative that your website and social media pages boast dazzling design and fantastic functionality. You can spend hours crafting the most informative blog post, but when your website does not offer a first-class user experience, it will go unread.

So, to make sure that you meet and exceed your potential customers’ expectations you have to find a way to integrate these nine trends into your web development and marketing campaigns.

Being Accessible to All

For way too long websites have many times failed to include users with disabilities such as vision or hearing impairments. So, as part of your SEO marketing campaign it is strongly recommended that your web development crew ensures that your website is in compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

SEO Landing Pages Using State-of-the-art Design Elements

Gone are the days where the landing page of your website must have big chunks of text. As Google’s search algorithms are starting to pay more attention to user experience, there is no longer a need for your landing page to be weighed down by so much text. After all, Internet users do not even read a third of what is written on your web page. Instead, be sure to use different web design elements that will guide your potential customers to improve the user experience.

Google Fonts

What is not to like about something free, right? Well, apart from being free, Google fonts let you add unique typography to your website. On top of that, there are more than 130 languages to choose from! Though, what makes Google fonts such as great resource is that it will boost the loading time of your website as well as its performance.

Read more: Nine Web Development Trends to Comprehend

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