
Archive for October, 2020

How Growth-Driven Design Fuels Leads and Sales

A well designed website can provide you with faster results.

Who doesn’t love faster results and more sales? If you’re like most businesses, then you’re always finding ways to scale your business.

A great way to minimize your risk while driving results is to work on a growth-driven design for your website. This allows you to focus on data and audience analysis to make changes for the needs of your visitors.

We’ll dive deeper into what growth-driven design (GDD) entails, along with the differences between traditional website design and GDD, and great tools to help you on your website design journey.

What Is Growth-Driven Design?

Growth-driven design, often shortened to GDD, is a progressive approach to website design that helps businesses drive optimal results while reducing common pain points for their site visitors. A website design that is growth driven is optimized for lead generation, offering frictionless conversion paths so visitors can convert easily.

Read more: How Growth-Driven Design Fuels Leads and Sales

Web Design Trends for You Should Explore

Unlike most hungry people to keep up with trends and careful not to miss out on the most popular ones, designers are different. They feel a little limited by trends. However, for an agency that does web design London, it is essential to learn what trends are in and those that are long-dated.

This is because learning about new trends helps learn about customer preferences and their changing tastes. In the long run, designers can offer products or services that are agreeable to their clientele. 

There’s no doubt that internet users are highly visual. As a result, it is essential that a web designer puts their skills to practical use and helps customers understand the different services and products they offer. Let’s look at some of the web design trends all designers should be aware of in 2020.

Digital Illustrations

If you use digital illustrations in your web design, you are bound to have work that looks unique and stands out from the pack. An excellent illustration can help you to form a connection with your customers.

If your site has product descriptions or adverts, then a web designer can design it to suit such items. Illustrations that are popular right now amongst web designers include three-dimensional illustrations and flat, hand-drawn illustrations.

Read more: Web Design Trends for You Should Explore

Email and Social Media Marketing Ideas for Consulting

You already know that email and social media marketing are goldmines for driving new leads and building your consultancy brand.

But how, exactly, should you approach email and social media marketing campaigns? There is a sea of advice to be found online for digital marketing, but much of the information comes with complex marketing jargon that you don’t have the time to decipher. You need clear, common sense ideas that you can put to use quickly.

The good news is that today, you’re in the right place.

There are many effective, straightforward online marketing campaign strategies you can use to enhance your consultancy right away, and we’re here to share several of them with you.

In this article, we’ll dive into several examples of email and social media campaign methods you can learn from and implement. You will find new ideas for brand building, lead generating, and increasing conversion rates.

Read more: Email and Social Media Marketing Ideas for Consulting

How To Optimize Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

I don’t need to tell this audience about the importance of SEO for your business. However, one area of the digital marketing realm that I do feel could use some building up is social media marketing. Social media can accomplish so many things for your business if you leverage it in the right ways.

From building your brand to generating cold, hard sales, social media has a lot going for it. Here are some tips for optimizing your social media marketing strategy.

Establish Goals

Just as in SEO, you will need to know what you want to accomplish from the outset of your social media marketing campaigns. Your goals will determine how you should approach everything going forward.

For instance, your goals might be one or any combination of the following:

• Grow brand awareness.

• Drive new leads.

• Increase website traffic.

• Make new sales.

• Boost customer relations.

Which goal will be right for your business will depend on where you are in your growth. A new business will probably want to focus first on building brand awareness before devoting too many resources to the other goals.

Once you have a good foothold in that, you will of course want to go after leads and sales, and when you’ve done that, keeping your social media-based customer relations on track will be vital.

Find Your Audience

Your chances of getting conversions from social media marketing increase with every interaction with a potential or existing customer. Communicating directly with people on social media helps you find and grow your audience. Through that process, you will learn what people want and how you can give it to them.

One way to do it is to take a look at your social media analytics and other data that indicates which types of audiences tend to use which platforms. For instance, slightly more men than women use YouTube, while you will find a much larger female audience on Pinterest. You can then tailor your social media outreach based on who you are targeting.

Read more: How To Optimize Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

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