
Archive for June, 2019

Responsive web design: What it is, and why you need it

In fact, if you check out Quikclicks, Australia’s leading web design agency, you’ll be able to see what a well designed and captivating web page looks like! It’s important to note that the professionals are there to handle the detail for you, allowing you to focus on the business and your goals.

What Is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design uses the availability of data storage to allow the website to access a multitude of images and potential layouts. This results in the ability, via coding, for the web page to fit the screen it is being viewed on.

You probably know how frustrating it is to view a web page on a cell phone and have to keep scrolling to left and right. The idea behind responsive web design is to avoid this, the page will fit the screen you’re holding, regardless of what size that is.

In the past, this would only have been possible by creating multiple websites. A mobile device would have to visit a different site to the desktop one. This made creating websites more complicated and keeping all sites up to date time-consuming.

Read more: Responsive web design: What it is, and why you need it

8 Web Design Principles to Know in 2019

Your website design is more important for conversions than you think. You can implement every conversion-boosting tactic in the world, but if your web design looks like crap, it won’t do you much good.

Design is not just something designers do. Design is marketing. Design is your product and how it works. The more I’ve learned about the principles of web design, the better results I’ve gotten.

Here are 8 effective web design principles you should know and follow.

  1. Visual Hierarchy

Squeaky wheels get the grease, and prominent visuals get the attention. Visual hierarchy is one of the most important principles behind good web design. It’s the order in which the human eye perceives what it sees.

Exercise. Please rank the circles in the order of importance:

visual hierarchy circles

Without knowing anything about these circles, you were able to rank them

easily. That’s a visual hierarchy.

Certain parts of your website are more important than others (forms, calls to action, value proposition, etc.), and you want those to get more attention than the less important parts.

If you website menu has 10 items, are all of them equally important? Where do you want the user to click? Make important links more prominent.

Read more: 8 Web Design Principles to Know in 2019

The Influencer Marketing Statistics You Need to Know [Infographic]

As influencer marketing evolves, it seems that there’s a new survey or report released every other week, highlighting the various best practices to locate, reach out and connect with relevant digital identities – and why you need to do so.

It can be hard to keep up, so with this infographic, the Vamp team sought to collect all the most significant findings of the year so far.

The stats here underline just how much growth there’s been in influencer marketing – highlighted by a 1500% increase in searches for ‘influencer marketing’ over the past three years. And it’s little wonder that people want to learn more, when the process has proved its worth so competently. Some 87% of shoppers admit that they’ve been prompted to make a purchase by an influencer, and almost the same amount of marketers believe it’s an effective marketing solution (84%).

Looking to get a better handle on the rise of influencer marketing, and why it’s so effective? Check out the graphic below.

Read more: The Influencer Marketing Statistics You Need to Know [Infographic]


Your Next Website Redesign: 6 Trends to Embrace Now

Are you planning a website redesign or overhaul in the next year?

Your instinct might be to browse competitor websites, take a look at templated themes designed for your industry, or stalk Pinterest or Instagram for current designs that speak to you.

While this strategy would result in a beautiful and functional website, there’s also value in looking to the future.

What design elements, layout styles, or functionalities will be the most impactful now, but also in the months and years to come?

A website can function as a work of art, but its primary purpose is a selling tool.

Visitors need to land on your site and complete an intended action, whether that’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or filling out a contact form.

The way visitors engage with and respond to website designs changes over time, sometimes dramatically.

Ten years ago, it was accepted that you would have to navigate a minefield of popups just to load a page.

Read more: Your Next Website Redesign: 6 Trends to Embrace Now


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