You would agree that web design is an art. But like every other form of art, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a well-designed website can end up as an “Oh No! Never again would I be here again!”

This is most times because of a teensy mistake, and these errors are very common. Sometimes they are even not noticed by the pros, let alone beginners.

Your web design has the aim of pushing your company’s set goals through its aesthetics, how it works, and the ease of navigating it.

Read on to discover the seven basic web design mistakes from the leading Sydney web design agency that hurt your user’s experience and know what to avoid when designing.

Hidden Features and Information:

There’s nothing as annoying as when a feature or piece of information that is supposed to be on a page but is nowhere to be found. This can cause the user to abandon your site irrespective of the good content that you have. Most of the features or information usually hidden are:

  • Navigation
  • What the company does
  • Why you should patronize them
  • Contact address, cell number, email address, and social media address.
  • Links

I know you’re probably asking if it matters that these little details are missing. Yes, it does. And remember the value is in the details.

Read more: Seven web design mistakes that hurts user experience