
All posts in Social Media Marketing

The 5 P’s of Social Media Marketing [Infographic]

If you’re looking for a simple method to ensure that your social media marketing strategy covers all the essential bases, the 5 P’s approach is a solid outline.

The 5 P’s is a marketing strategy which has been employed in many variations, but fits perfectly with social media marketing. The elements ensure that you take into account all the key processes required to formulate an effective approach, capitalizing on the opportunities of the medium for maximum impact.

To help you get a better handle on the 5 P’s in a social media marketing context, the team from Branex have put together this infographic, which also includes some key stats on the relevance of social media as a platform for your marketing efforts.

Read more: The 5 P’s of Social Media Marketing [Infographic]


Are you a small business owner who often finds yourself staring blankly at your digital device wondering what the heck you should share with your social media followers? Do you sometimes feel like you’re spending countless hours on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, yet question whether your efforts are translating into sales? If you’re squeezed for time and want to make the most of your time on social media, it is imperative that you take a growth hacker’s approach to social media marketing for your small business. Integrate the following three social media hacks into your small business’ growth strategy, and you’ll be impressed at how quickly your audience engagement rates start to soar.



If you want to increase your social media marketing ROI (return-on-investment), learn the power of social media cross-posting. Don’t quarantine your social content to just one platform. Cross-pollinate your prose across multiple social networking sites. Post Instagram images to Pinterest, spotlight your Facebook posts on your small business’s blog. Embed tweets from your Twitter profile into blog posts on Once you start cross-posting your social media content, you’ll feel like kicking yourself for not having discovered this social media marketing hack sooner.


LinkedIn Marketing Priorities in 2019

Are you planning to make LinkedIn a focus of your digital marketing efforts in 2019?

For those that are looking to get more out of the professional social network, it can be helpful to know what others are doing on the platform, and what they’re looking to achieve with LinkedIn’s tools. That’s the focus of this new infographic from LinkedIn – the platform recently surveyed its members to get more insight into expectations, priorities and more, related to platform use.

There are some interesting insights here. The questions are obviously LinkedIn-specific, but it’s worth noting the most popular topics (the platform’s ‘Matched Audiences’, which combines your data with on-platform insights, is a key focus) and what other marketers are using LinkedIn for.

You can read LinkedIn’s full report here, or check out the graphic below.

Read more: LinkedIn Marketing Priorities in 2019

10 of the Best Social Media Marketing Tools for 2019 [Infographic]

Social media marketing is an extremely multifaceted field with every aspect requiring a lot of work. You probably know that. That’s why most of us use a whole set of tools to analyze, create, advertise, and more.

Unfortunately, there are enough social media tools on the market to get one absolutely confused. This infographic by Awario, shares a list of the best social media marketing tools for 2019.

The ultimate list of tools is broken down into five crucial categories:

  • Social media monitoring
  • Social media management
  • Content marketing
  • Creating workflows
  • Advertising

Read more: 10 of the Best Social Media Marketing Tools for 2019 [Infographic]


3 Social Media Campaigns You Need to Know About Before Creating Your 2019 Strategy

We know social media has surpassed all forms of media in terms of readership, thanks to Millennials — who grew up as the internet was being introduced; Gen Z — who were handed the digital world on a platter and Gen X and Baby Boomers — who had to follow suit because it overtook the work space and well, transformed the way we look at entertainment and shopping.

According to a 2017 survey conducted by Clutch, “The most valuable social media platforms for businesses are Facebook (89 percent), LinkedIn (83 percent), YouTube (81 percent), and Twitter (80 percent).” Another report found, Instagram with 32 percent comes second to Facebook at 79 percent of American internet users on the site; Pinterest comes in a close third with 31 percent, and LinkedIn and Twitter at 29 percent and 24 percent, respectively. On any given day, Snapchat reaches 41 percent of 18 to 34-year-olds in the US.

It’s time to capitalize on this growing trend if you haven’t already. But how?

Watch what thought leaders are doing. Don’t shy away from trying something new and abstract to stand out, get creative with the many resources available and dare to think out of the box.

Let’s look at three social media campaigns that caused quite the stir on social media.

Top 3 Social Media Campaigns to Inspire
1. RYU Apparel’s One More Rep for Mental Health
Athletic apparel brand, RYU has positioned themselves as an apparel brand built around you, to help you achieve not just your gym goals but life goals too. They acknowledge that everyone’s universe is unique, with different needs.

Read more: 3 Social Media Campaigns You Need to Know About Before Creating Your 2019 Strategy

14 Social Media Trends That Every Marketer Should Know About In 2019

Social media is no longer just a trendy marketing tactic—it’s a crucial one. Today’s consumers turn to social media to find brands they can trust, looking for user testimonials, examples of exceptional customer service and more.

To meet these evolving demands, your company must maintain an engaging social media presence that offers customers the brand experience they expect. We asked a panel of Forbes Communications Council members which social media trends marketers should prepare for this year. Here’s what they had to say.

1. An Increased Demand For Truly ‘Social’ Engagement

People want to do business with companies they know, trust and love. A company that simply uses social media as a medium for advertising is losing out on the most important piece: the “social” aspect, where you have the opportunity to build those all-important connections. In 2019, those companies that engage with their audience will be the ones that win. – Holly Chessman, GlowTouch Technologies

2. A Fading Facebook

Data shows Facebook usage and engagement has dropped significantly: According to the Pew Research Center, 42% of users have taken a break from the site in the past year, and 26% have deleted the app from their phones. This doesn’t mean it’s a dead channel, but it does mean we need to explore alternatives and, if continuing to market via Facebook, need to advertise less and engage more with users to help our brand stand apart from the noise. – Lisa Guyott, College Possible

Read more: 14 Social Media Trends That Every Marketer Should Know About In 2019


What Are The Best Times To Post On Social Media? (These “Heat Maps” Have The Answers)

Every company marketer posting on social media is curious about the best times to post their content. While each audience is unique, having a rule of thumb can be extremely helpful when you’re first starting out. Sprout Social recently published the results of their “Best Times to Post on Social Media: 2018 Industry Research”, a report which includes preferred time slots for the big 4 — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Unlike other reports I’ve seen on this topic, which often recommend a single time or small window, Sprout has detailed “heat maps” for each channel. I reached out to Rachael Samuels, Social Media Manager at Sprout Social, to find out more about the report and the research behind their findings.

Harrison: Other companies have looked into the best times to post on social. What did your data science team do differently?

Samuels: Sprout Social’s data science team constructed a more targeted approach that takes into account interactions with 935 million messages across 420,000 social profiles connected to Sprout. The data that our team uncovered not only provides specific days and times for the most engagement on social for each platform, but offers similar data for specific industries, including tech, CPG, and healthcare, among others. Using this data as a guide empowers marketers with the best opportunities to maximize personalized consumer engagement.

Read more: What Are The Best Times To Post On Social Media? (These “Heat Maps” Have The Answers)

4 Tips For Harnessing Social Media To Win Clients And Grow Revenue

Social networks have, to a large extent, defined the way we work and live. Not only do these conversational tools ignite debate and broaden networks, but in a very real sense they nourish a collective consciousness, an understanding of what it means to be alive in the world right here, right now.

From a business standpoint, there’s never been a better time to harness the power of this 21st-century medium to gain clients and generate leads. We’re not talking about showy brand waving: we’re talking about using social media to get clients on the phone and through the door. To leverage apps used by billions to acquire new business and make meaningful connections.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But the truth is, while the rewards are great, getting social media marketing right can be a challenge. There are a myriad of powerful management tools and services available, an array of techniques and stratagems which promise to put your brand in front of prospective clients and capture their interest. Social media platforms, lest we forget, are crowded spaces. How can you make yourself heard above the noise? How will you differentiate your brand? And is landing your dream client actually realistic?

Read more: 4 Tips For Harnessing Social Media To Win Clients And Grow Revenue

Social Media Marketing Lessons Learnt in 2018

2018 has been a busy year in the social media marketing world. From major news feed changes to the introduction of exciting new features, social media marketers have certainly been kept on their toes.

Join us as we reflect on all the valuable lessons we’ve learnt from working in the social media space this past year.

Creativity is key

With hundreds of thousands of updates being posted to popular social media sites every minute, creativity is key to standing out in the crowd. It’s no longer enough to share a simple piece of text on your business’s products or services – marketers need to create compelling copy and captivating imagery and/or videos in order to catch, and hold, their customers’ attention.

Read more: Social Media Marketing Lessons Learnt in 2018

Infographic: Social media marketing insights for the holidays

Social media is an important channel for marketers looking to make a holiday splash.

As consumers begin their holiday shopping for gifts and bargains, they are more and more likely to be influenced by social media posts. A well-placed call to action on Instagram or Facebook, or a LinkedIn campaign, might make the difference between a happy new year and a lackluster holiday season.

This infographic from Animoto details how marketers should approach social media efforts for the holidays.

Insights include:

  • Seventy-nine percent of marketers say they will run a holiday ad on social media this year.
  • Of the marketers who ran a holiday ad last year on social channels, 88 percent say it was effective.
  • Some 56 percent say a holiday social media video campaign influenced a purchasing decision.

Read more: Infographic: Social media marketing insights for the holidays