Chat Updates: Add or Change Chat "*" indicates required fields 1Contact Information2Add a New or Change an Existing Live Chat?3Add a New Live Chat4Change an Existing Live Chat What this form is used for:This form is for Creating or Modifying Live Chat configurations. A Live Chat is the TWP service that enables live conversations between an Agent (you) and your website user. Among other configurations Live Chats have an Agent queue, Working hours to enable/disable the Live Chat (across all Environments/Website Widgets the Live Chat is connected to), and automatic replies to send to a Live Chat user. This form is NOT the form to add or modify existing Environments (Website Widgets) or Forms. Please go back to the Service Ticket page and find the appropriate form if you only want to add or modify an existing Chat or Form.Check this box to continue* I am on the Correct Form Based on the Form Use Text Above Short Description*This description will be used when contacting you via email to help you identify which ticket has been updated. Company Name* Your Name* First Last Your Email Address*Updates about your ticket will be sent to this email address. Please Verify You're Not a Robot Before Continuing What Do You Need?* Add A New Live Chat Change an Existing Live Chat Name Your New Live Chat Instance:*This name will not be displayed on your website. This name is only for your TWP team and for you to reference this specific Live Chat instance. Which Chat Environment(s)/Website Widget(s) Should this Live Chat instance be Connected to?Please type in the name of the pre-existing Chat Environments/Website Widgets you want this Live Chat instance to be connected to. Add RemoveLive Chat Queue ConfigurationAgent Queue*Type the name(s) of the agent(s) who will respond to inquiries in this Live Chat Add RemoveDistribute Submissions Among Employees*Evenly: the order of employees is of no importance; inquiries will be distributed so that each employee in the queue has an approximately equal number of inquiries.Exactly as enqueued: the order of employees matters; an inquiry will walk the queue until an employee responds to it. Notice that an infinite queue is unavailable in this mode. To everybody means the inquiry will be queued to all employees available in the queue. This mode enables endless queue.EvenlyExactly as EnqueuedTo EverybodyIdle Time Before Forwarding To Next Agent In Queue*1 minute3 minutes5 minutes10 minutes15 minutes30 minutes1 hour2 hours3 hours6 hours8 hours12 hoursLimit Simultaneous Inquiries Submitted to an Agent*Enable this option for more even distribution of inquiries among agents by limiting the number of simultaneous inquiries. Yes No Ignore Inquiries in This Status When Calculating Distribution*Answered: excludes inquiries to which an agent replied at least once; also closed inquiries and inquiries awaiting rating. Waiting for user reaction: excludes inquiries to which an agent has replied and is now waiting for a reaction. Both closed inquiries and inquiries awaiting for rating are excluded as well. Closed: excludes both closed inquiries and inquiries awaiting rating.Replied toWaiting for User ReactionClosedMaximum Inquiries per Agent*Please enter a number from 0 to 10000.Check That an Agent Is Online When Routing Inquiries*Enable this option for more even distribution of inquiries among agents by limiting the number of simultaneous inquiries. Yes No Agent Information*Use employee user profile – shows agents using current information (name and user image) as specified in the portal user profile. Use Manual Entries – shows information manually typed in the Live Chat settings. Hide agent information – no user info will be shown.Use Employee User ProfileUse Manual EntriesHide Agent InformationManual Entry: Agent Information*NamePosition Add RemoveManual Entry: Agent Profile PhotosPlease name the files appropriately so your TWP Project Coordinator knows which picture is for which profile. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 5. Hide Agent Information: Default Agent Name*Hide Agent Information: Default Agent Profile PhotoPlease name the files appropriately so your TWP Project Coordinator knows which picture is for which profile.Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB.Verify Client in CRM Database*If enabled, the Chat system will attempt to match new chats with their user profile if the user has previously chatted with you. Yes No Enable Chat Tracker* Yes No Transfer Inquiry to Responsible Person If Client ID Is Recognized*The inquiry will be routed directly to a client’s responsible person even if this employee is not added to the Live Chat agent queue. Yes No If Client Was Not Found in CRM*A new lead will be created only if client contact information is available. Some options are only available with TWP’s CRM packages; standalone chat packages are not CRM packages.Create Manually in the Chat WindowAuto Create a New LeadAuto Create a DealAuto Change Lead's Responsible Person When Routing Inquiry to Another Agent Manually* Yes No Create Deals in Which Pipeline*Which pipeline should deals be created in? Auto Change Deal Responsible Person When Forwarding a Request to Another Agent* Yes No Live Chat Hours of OperationShould the Live Chat Display During All Hours?*YesNoWhich Days Should the Chat not be Shown in the Website Widget?* Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Chat Start Time*Unless specified in the notes below, we will apply the selected time in the timezone of the main office you do business with us from. Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Chat End Time*Unless specified in the notes below, we will apply the selected time in the timezone of the main office you do business with us from. Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Live Chat Data Collection ConsentDo You Want Live Chat Users to be required to Consent to a Data Collection Agreement?*This is useful for Privacy Policies and GDPR compliance, but may be redundant and unnecessary if you already meet GDPR/privacy standards. Yes No Name of the Data Collection Agreement* Data Collection Agreement*Title of the Consent Checkbox* Include a Link to the Data Collection Agreement or a File in the Consent Text?* Yes No Link to Data Collection Agreement or File* Live Chat Auto ActionsSend Auto Response to Initial Client Message*Auto-response will be sent to the client as soon as the client posts their initial inquiry to the Live Chat Yes No Auto Reply Text to Initial Message*Mark Inquiry as Unanswered in*1 minute3 minutes5 minutes10 minutes15 minutes30 minutes1 hour2 hours3 hours6 hours8 hours12 hoursIf No Agent Could Respond to the Inquiry*If none of the agents responded to the inquiry, an automated reply can be sent or the inquiry can be left alone.Send TextDo NothingAuto Reply Text If No Agent Responds*If the Inquiry Is Processed and Closed*Send TextDo NothingAuto Reply Text If the Chat is Closed*Delay until Inquiry Is Completely Closed (After It Was Marked as Closed by Agent)*Specify the time you deem reasonable to wait until an inquiry is closed to make sure a client has a chance to rate how well the agent performed. Select Close immediately to have the client’s rating re-open the session.Close Immediately1 minute2 minutes5 minutes10 minutes30 minutes1 hourConversation Timeout*1 hour4 hours8 hours1 day2 days1 week1 monthIf the Inquiry Is Completely Closed*Send TextDo NothingAuto Reply Text If the Chat is Completely Closed*Canned ResponsesResponse NameResponse Text Add RemoveLive Typing*Improve your agents’ response time and make your customers happy with your immediate response. The agent can see the text a customer is typing which considerably reduces the time required to reply. Enabled Disabled Allow User to Rate ConversationsAsk User to Rate Agent Performance* Yes No Allow User to Rate Ongoing Conversation* Yes No Close Session When Client Rating Is Received* Yes No Enable Conversation Rating Time Constraint* Yes No Users Can Rate Their Conversations within*1 day2 days3 days4 days5 days7 days30 daysRating Request Text*This text will display, and then a thumbs up button (positive rating) and a thumbs down button (negative rating) Negative Rating Text Response*This text will display, and then a thumbs up button (positive rating) and a thumbs down button (negative rating) Positive Rating Text Response*This text will display, and then a thumbs up button (positive rating) and a thumbs down button (negative rating) Assign a Chat BotA chatbot offers the first line of customer support. It will handle incoming requests and, if unable to serve a request, place it in the queue to be processed by human agents.Chat bots are not available by default and must be purchased through your Live Chat package.Assign Chat Bot When a Client Inquiry Is Received*You must have an active chatbot to utilize this feature. Yes No Chat Bot Name*Which Chat Bot do you Want to Assign to these Live Chat Inquiries? Response Time KPIInitial Response Time 0 sec. 15 sec. 30 sec. 60 sec. 120 sec. Other Subsequent Response Time 0 min. 1 min. 5 min. 10 min. 15 min. Other Finishing TouchesSupplemental Files For Live Chat CreationPlease make your file names distinguishable so your TWP Project Coordinator knows what the file is for. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, zip, Max. file size: 16 MB, Max. files: 5. Is there anything else you want us to know for the Live Chat Creation?You can put any extra information you think would help us implement your change requests here. Name of Live Chat configuration to Modify* Describe in Detail the Changes You Want to Your Live Chat Instance*A list of available Live Chat options can be found by clicking the buttons below the text area.Show or Hide Live Chat Fields Hide Live Chat Fields Show Live Chat Fields Live Chat Configuration Name Your New Live Chat Instance: Which Chat Environment(s)/Website Widget(s) Should this Live Chat instance be Connected to? Live Chat Queue Configuration Agent Queue List Employees to be Agents for This Live Chat Distribute Submissions Among Employees Evenly: the order of employees is of no importance; enquiries will be distributed so that each employee in the queue has an approximately equal number of enquiries. Idle Time Before Forwarding To Next Agent In Queue 1 minute 3 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 6 hours 8 hours 12 hours Exactly as enqueued: the order of employees matters; an enquiry will walk the queue until an employee responds to it. Notice that an infinite queue is unavailable in this mode. Idle Time Before Forwarding To Next Agent In Queue 1 minute 3 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 6 hours 8 hours 12 hours To everybody: means the enquiry will be queued to all employees available in the queue.This mode enables endless queue. Limit Simultaneous Inquiries Submitted to an Agent No Yes Ignore Inquiries in This Status When Calculating Distribution Answered: excludes inquiries to which an agent replied at least once; also closed inquiries and inquiries awaiting rating. Waiting for user reaction: excludes inquiries to which an agent has replied and is now waiting for a reaction. Both closed inquiries and inquiries awaiting for rating are excluded as well. Closed: excludes both closed inquiries and inquiries awaiting rating. Maximum Inquiries per Agent Check that an Agent is Online when Routing Inquiries Yes No Agent Information Use Employee User Profile Use Manual Entries Manual Entry: Agent Information Name Position Manual Entry: Agent Profile Photos Hide Agent Information Hide Agent Information: Default Agent Name Hide Agent Information: Default Agent Profile Photo Enable Chat Tracker Yes No Verify Client in CRM Database Yes No Transfer Inquiry to Responsible Person If Client ID Is Recognized Yes No If Client Was Not Found in CRM Create Manually in the Chat Window Auto Create a New Lead Auto Change Lead’s Responsible Person When Routing Enquiry to Another Agent Manually Yes No Auto Create a Deal Create Deals in Which Pipeline Auto Change Deal Responsible Person When Forwarding a Request to Another Agent Yes No Live Chat Hours of Operation Should the Live Chat Display During All Hours? Yes No Which Days Should the Chat not be Shown in the Website Widget? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Chat Start Time Provide a Time in the HH:MM AM/PM format Chat End Time Provide a Time in the HH:MM AM/PM format Live Chat Data Collection Consent Do You Want Live Chat Users to be required to Consent to a Data Collection Agreement? No Yes Name of the Data Collection Agreement Data Collection Agreement Text Title of the Consent Checkbox Link to Data Collection Agreement or File Live Chat Auto Actions Send Auto Response to Initial Client Message No Yes Auto Reply Text to Initial Message Mark Inquiry as Unanswered in 1 minute 3 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 6 hours 8 hours 12 hours If No Agent Could Respond to the Inquiry Do Nothing Send Text Auto Reply Text If No Agent Responds If the Inquiry Is Processed and Closed Do Nothing Send Text Auto Reply Text If Chat is Closed Delay until Inquiry Is Completely Closed (After It Was Marked as Closed by Agent) Close Immediately 1 minute 2 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour Conversation Timeout 1 hour 4 hours 8 hours 1 day 2 days 1 week 1 month If the Inquiry Is Completely Closed Do Nothing Send Text Auto Reply Text If Chat is Completely Closed Canned Responses Response Name Response Text Live Typing Enabled Disabled Allow User to Rate Conversations Ask User to Rate Agent Performance No Yes Allow User to Rate Ongoing Conversation Yes No Close Session When Client Rating Is Received Yes No Enable Conversation Rating Time Constraint Users Can Rate Their Conversations within 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 7 days 30 days Rating Request Text Negative Rating Text Response Positive Rating Text Response Assign a Chat Bot Assign Chat Bot When a Client Inquiry Is Received No Yes Chat Bot Name Response Time KPI Initial Response Time 0 sec. 15 sec. 30 sec. 60 sec. 120 sec. Custom Subsequent Response Time 0 min. 1 min. 5 min. 10 min. 15 min. Custom Finishing Touches Supplemental Files For Live Chat Creation Is there anything else you want us to know for the Live Chat Creation? Supplemental Files For Live ChatPlease make your file names distinguishable so your TWP Project Coordinator knows what each file is for. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, zip, Max. file size: 16 MB, Max. files: 10. Is there anything else you want us to know for Your Live Chat Changes?You can put any extra information you think would help us implement your change requests here.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.