Companies have plenty of platforms at their disposal to get their messages to the masses, but email marketing is still one of the most crucial. Emails are a reliable, affordable and efficient way to reach prospects of all types, regardless of their position in the customer journey. To be effective, electronic communications must be deliberate, thought-provoking, and relevant without being overly intrusive or spammy.  

Email blasts are a commonly used type of content marketing and can be extremely engaging (or irritating, if executed poorly). When planned carefully, these campaigns can provide great ROI (return on investment) without alienating your audience. If you want to learn how to send a compelling email blast to your subscriber base, this guide will set you up for success.  

What is an email blast? An email blast is a stand-alone email message that you send to your entire contact list, or at least several segments. The goal is to reach as wide of an audience as possible with minimal investment on the front end. Also known as broadcast emails, bulk emails, or mass emails, email blasts are usually independent of targeted campaigns and more urgent in nature.  

The message within an email blast is usually promotional, such as enticing news about a sale or special. Email newsletters typically fall into the e-blast category as well. Email blasts may also include important news or unexpected updates that you need to communicate quickly. While seemingly innocuous, e-blasts get a bad reputation when executed poorly, so it is important to use them properly.  

Read more: How to Send an Email Blast (With Examples)