Social media marketing has become a necessary and valuable marketing tool for businesses today. It’s one of the best ways to increase awareness and connect with an audience, but it can also help you grow your business and generate leads—if you do it right.

So to give your business some practical direction, we’ve outlined seven social media marketing pitfalls to avoid.

  1. Not having a strategy
  2. Being on EVERY social media channel
  3. Not being consistent
  4. Using social media as a sales platform
  5. Having an intern do it all
  6. Not engaging with followers
  7. Not tracking analytics and KPIs

While there are many firms on social media, not every company is seeing the value or reaping the rewards of their efforts. Be sure you are not falling into these pitfalls, and you’ll begin to realize the real value that social media can bring to your marketing strategy and business.

Read more: 7 Social Media Marketing Pitfalls Your Business Should Avoid