10 Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch Out for in 2015.

It was a little over five years ago when MySpace was still popular and Facebook just rolled out the now iconic “Like” button. Since then, social media grew into a huge worldwide phenomena with more than 1,730,000,000 users uploading 20 thousand pictures on Tumblr, 104 thousand images on snapchat and 2.46 million posts on Facebook every minute.

These figures are expected to grow substantially next year, with a projected 2.44 billion users networking with friends and family on their favorite social networks. Such figures attest to how influential social media can be in how people communicate and engage with others online, as well as how they do business and commerce.

As much as 97% of marketers use social media, with up to 92% acknowledging the importance of this tool for their businesses. The following provides an overview of new trends, highlights and things to watch out for next year so you can prepare yourself and your business for what’s in store for social media in 2015.

1. Content Marketing Gets More Social
2. Real Time Social Media Marketing will Be a Buzzword
3. Audio and Video Will Dominate Social Content
4. Steady Shift towards Mobile Social Media
5. The Continued Rise of Paid Social Media Advertising
6. Payment Features Using Social Media Wallets
7. The Rise of the Social Media Commerce
8. Social Media Becomes Smarter and Analytical
9. Social Media and the B2B Market
10. The Rise of New Social Networks

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