3 Wildly Different Inbound Marketing Resolutions for 2015
Everyone – and we mean everyone – has at least one dirty, little marketing secret.

Maybe you’re skimping on the quality and quantity of your visual content marketing. Perhaps you’re putting off that SEO review of your website that you know you desperately need. Or even worse, perhaps you’re not even using the right social media networks in the first place. Trust me, we’re all guilty of something.

Let’s join together, and make 2015 the year we swear to permanently kick our bad habits to the curb. To ensure you get the most mileage possible for your new habits, here are some inbound marketing resolutions the experts highly recommend:

1. SEO: I Will Optimize For Mobile Usability
2. Content: I Will Try Something Wildly Different
3. Social Media: I’ll Think Outside the “Big Four”

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