As reported by Search Engine Land in their article, “Google to struggling sites: Focus on your audience, content quality,” as the landscape of search engine optimization (SEO) is ever-evolving, knowing where to focus your efforts is paramount to success.

“If your website is struggling to get organic traffic from Google Search – there are three core areas you should focus on, according to Google’s Search Liaison Danny Sullivan:

  • Continue creating high-quality content – do what you think is best for your readers.
  • Diversify your traffic sources and promote your content across multiple channels.
  • Build an engaged audience that comes to you directly or via email and social media.

None of this is new, none of this is easy and none of this advice will make people happy.

What this basically means is that you should think beyond just Google and just SEO if you want to have success on Google Search with your SEO efforts.

What it means. The days of SEO hacks and loopholes are rapidly coming to an end. The future of SEO will be won by those who focus on all the SEO elements that matter and play the long game.

Why we care. People continue to be frustrated with Google’s advice, which always tends to be some variant of “create helpful content.” However, Google can’t tell you everything you need to do to create helpful content or help you assess it. It’s your job to figure out how to grow an audience. Hoping Google Search will send you traffic or give you visibility is not a strategy.

Make great content. Creating content that resonates with your anticipated readers is crucial, according to Sullivan. But it’s also not the only factor:

  • “’As I’ve said before, I think everyone should focus on doing whatever they think is best for their readers. I know it can be confusing when people get lots of advice from different places, and then they also hear about all these things Google is supposedly doing, or not doing, and really they just want to focus on content. If you’re lost, again, focus on that. That is your touchstone.’”

Click here to learn more about TotalWeb Partner’s SEO capabilities or here to read the full article.

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