If you want to grow your business, you have to consider the role of email marketing in your promotional mix. It’s still one of the less expensive marketing vehicles to employ, and by following a few simple rules you can change your customers’ perceptions of your email (and your company), drive sales, and foster better relationships in the process. To get started, this column will talk about advanced opt-in options, newsletter dos and don’ts, and pairing your email with other marketing vehicles. Our next column continues the discussion by exploring educational offerings, email and online survey best practices, and how to engage your customers via email using loyalty programs and rewards.

Can You Go Beyond Simple Opt-In?
Most reputable companies ask for customer buy-in when they collect email addresses. Granted, to maximize opt-ins, your website might auto-check the box that says “Contact me about promotions and offers.” Hey, at least you’re giving customers a choice.

Opt-ins are good, but consider giving your customers a few specific options rather than one vague choice. You’ll want to keep your list of options short. After all, if you make customers think too much or take too much time, most will get bored and abandon the task. That said, I’m not recommending you include all of these; the list below is to get you thinking. Depending on the type of product or service you offer, not all will apply to you. For example, you can give customers the option to:

Read more: How to Use Email Marketing to Strengthen Business Relationships